




电话: 0532-82032733, 82032735 (o); 0532-82032732 (Lab.)

地址:青岛市鱼山路5号, 邮编266003


主要研究方向及成果:实验室的研究方向是动物组织器官发育的分子机制及细胞生物力学基础。以果蝇和海鞘等模式动物为材料,通过细胞遗传发育生物学技术手段,结合数学物理模型,研究囊泡极性运输、细胞骨架动态、胞外基质物理特性及其对细胞行为的影响等。发现了脊索管腔形成的细胞学过程,揭示了调控细胞及器官形态发育变化的重要信号通路,建立了决定生物管腔几何形状的数学物理模型。研究结果相继发表在PNAS, eLife, Nature Communications, Cell Reports, PLOS Biology, Development等国际主流杂志。


Prof. Dr. Bo DONG:

2014.9-: Professor, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China;

2013.11- 2014. 9: Research Scientist, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB), Kobe, Japan.

2010.11- 2013.10: Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN CDB;

2006.10 - 2010.10: Postdoctoral fellow, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen, Norway;

2001.7 - 2005.7: Ph.D., Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS), Qingdao, China.

Research Interests

Our group is principally interested in uncovering cellular processes and the underlying mechanisms that support the biological tube formation. We use marine animal (Ciona) notochord and Drosophila tracheal system as models to understand the morphogenetic signaling network on polarized vesicle trafficking, cytoskeletal organization, membrane biogenesis and extracellular matrix dynamics during lumen formation and cell shape change.

Job and Contact

We are always looking for people with experience and interests in developmental biology, Cell biology or biophysics to join us. If you are interested in working with us as a graduate student, postdoc or visiting scientist, please contacts us for possible openings.

Laboratory for Molecular Mechanisms and Cellular Biophysics of Organogenesis

College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China

No.5 Yushan Road, 266003, Qingdao, China

Tel: 0532-82032733, 82032735 (o); 0532-82032732 (Lab.)


Selected publications

1. Sehring I, Recho P, Denker E, Kourakis M, Mathiesen B, Hannezo E*, Dong B*, Jiang D*. Assembly and positioning of actomyosin rings by contractility and planar cell polarity. eLife, 2015. 4: e09206. (*Corresponding authors).

2. Hannezo E‡, *, Dong B‡, *, Recho P, Joanny JF, Hayashi S. A cortical instability drives periodic supracellular actin pattern formation in epithelial tubes. PNAS, 2015. 112 (28): 8620-8625. (‡Co-first authors; *Corresponding authors).

       Commentary in: Nir S. Gov, Saoirse S. McSharry, and Greg J. Beitel, Three-ring circus without a ringmaster: Self-organization of supracellular actin ring patterns during epithelial morphogenesis.PNAS, 2015 112 (28): 8521-8522.

3.董波。海洋模式动物海鞘及其脊索发育与调控。科学通报,2015,60: 1167-1179.

4. Denker E, Sehring I, Dong B, Audisso J, Mathiesen B, Jiang D. Regulation by a TGFβ-ROCK-actomyosin axis secures a non-linear lumen expansion that is essential for tubulogenesis.Development, 2015, 142: 1639-1650.

5. Dong B, Hayashi S. Shaping of biological tubes by mechanical interaction of cell and extracellular matrix. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 2015, 32: 129-134.

6. Dong B, Miao GX, Hayashi S. A fat body-derived apical extracellular matrix enzyme is transported to the tracheal lumen and is required for tube morphogenesis in Drosophila. Development, 2014, 141(21): 4104-4109.

Selected as a highlight in this issue “Fat body shapes up the trachea”,

7. Dong B*, Hannezo E, Hayashi S*. Balance between apical membrane growth and luminal matrix resistance determines the shape of epithelial tubule. Cell Reports,2014, 7(4): 941-950. (*Corresponding authors).

8. Sehring I‡, Dong B‡, Denker E, Deng W, Jiang D. An Equatorial Contractile Mechanism Drives Cell Elongation but not Cell Division. PLOS Biology, 2014, 12(2): e1001781. (‡Co-first authors)

Comment in: A real stretch: mechanisms behind cell elongation. [PLoS Biol. 2014]

9. DongB, KakiharaK, Otani T, WadaH, Hayashi S. Rab9 and retromer regulate retrograde trafficking of luminal protein required for epithelial tube length control. Nature Communications.2013, 4, 1358.

10. Dong B, Deng W, Jiang D, Distinct cytoskeleton populations and extensive crosstalk controlCiona notochord tubulogenesis. Development, 2011, 138 (8): 1631-1641.

Selected as a Recommended Read by Faculty of 1000.

11. Dong B, Horie T, Denker E, Kusakabe T, Tsuda M, Smith WC, Jiang D. Tube formation by complex cellular processes in Ciona intestinalis notochord. Developmental Biology 2009, 330: 237-249.





