2005年博士毕业于中国科学院固体物理研究所;2005年7月-2007年7月在中国科学院理论物理研究所,交叉科学中心从事博士后研究工作;2013年11月-2014年11月 美国加州大学尔湾分校访问学者。主要致力于表面、纳米合金体系催化材料模拟与设计,燃料电池电催化反应理论等方面的研究,已在国际高水平杂志,如Nature Communications,Physical Review Letter, Physical Review B,Journal of Chemical Physics,Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Power Sources, Acta Materialia等上发表论文30余篇, 论文引近800次,H因子14。
2004.8-2004.11 澳大利亚国立大学天文物理系交换访问学者
2006.3-2006.6美国加州大学Irvine 分校,天文与物理系访问学者
2007.3-2007.6美国加州大学Irvine 分校,天文与物理系访问学者
2013.11-2014.11美国加州大学Irvine 分校,天文与物理系访问学者
2011.1-湖南大学材料科学与工程学院 副教授
Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Materials Chemistry 等多种国际刊物审稿人。
4、教育部新教师基金,200805321058,Au-Pd 二元金属纳米催化的第一性原理研究,2009/01-2011/12,3.6万,主持(已结题)。
7, 国家重点研发计划《材料基因工程关键技术与支撑平台》专项“高通量多尺度材料模拟与性能优化设计平台”,2018YFB0704000,2018/7-2022/6,1809万,项目骨干(在研)。
33, "A Quasi-Solid-State Flexible Fiber-Shaped Li-CO2 Battery with Low Overpotential and High Energy Efficiency",Zhou, Jingwen; Li, Xuelian ; Yang, Chao; Li, Yinchuan; Guo, Kunkun; Cheng, Jianli; Yuan, Dingwang; Song, Chenhui; Lu, Jun; Wang, Bin;Advanced Materials 31, 10, 2019.
32, “Theoretical investigations of HCOOH decomposition on ordered Cu-Pd alloy surfaces”, Dingwang Yuan, Yong Zhang, Applied Surface Science, 462, 31, 649-658,2018.
31,“On-surface synthesis of poly(p-phenylene ethynylene) molecular wires via in situ formation of carbon-carbon triple bond”,Chen-Hui Shu, Meng-Xi Liu, Ze-Qi Zha, Jin-Liang Pan, Shao-Ze Zhang, Yu-Li Xie, Jian-Le Chen, Ding-Wang Yuan, Xiao-Hui Qiu & Pei-Nian Liu,Nature Communications,9, 2322,2018.
30,“Effects of solute concentration on the stacking fault energy in copper alloys at finite temperatures”,Q.Q. Shao, L.H. Liu, T.W. Fan, D.W. Yuan, J.H. Chen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 726, 601-607, 2017.
29,“Synergistic Effect of Alloying Atoms on Intrinsic Stacking-Fault Energy in Austenitic Steels”, Ling-Hong Liu,Tou-Wen Fan,Cui-Lan Wu,Pan Xie,Ding-Wang Yuan, Jiang-Hua chen,Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 30, 272-279, 2017.28, “Probing Intermolecular Coupled Vibrations between Two Molecules”, Zhumin Han (韩竹敏),Gregory Czap, Chen Xu (徐晨), Chi-lun Chiang (蔣季倫), Dingwang Yuan (袁定旺), Ruqian Wu, and W. Ho, Physical Review Letters, 118, 036801, 2017.
27,“Selective Dehydrogenation of HCOOH on Zn-decorated Pd(111) Surface Studied by First-principles Calculations” Dingwang Yuan, Jiayuan Li, Linghong Liu, Catal. Lett. 146,2348-2356, 2016.
26, “Quantitative Understanding of van Der Waals Interactions by Analyzing the Adsorption Structure and Low-Frequency Vibrational Modes of Single Benzene Molecules on Silver” , Dingwang Yuan, Z. Han, G. Czap, C. L. Chiang, C. Xu, W. Ho*, and R. Wu*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 2228-2233, 2016.
25, “Application of the Peierls–Nabarro Model to Symmetric Tilt Low-Angle Grain Boundary with Full <a> Dislocation in Pure Magnesium ”, T. W. Fan, X. B. Yang, J. H. Chen, L. H. Liu, D. W. Yuan, Y. Zhang, C. L.Wu, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 29 1053–1063, 2016.
24, “Alloying Effects on the Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties of Doped Cu-Sn IMCs: A First-Principle Study”, Y. Zhang, Dingwang Yuan, J.-H. Chen*, G. Zeng, T.-W. Fan, Z.-R. Liu, C.-L. Wu, and L.-H. Liu, J. Electron. Mater. 45, 4018 (2016).
23, “Ullmann Reaction of Aryl Chlorides on Various Surfaces and the Application in Stepwise Growth of 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks”, K.J. Shi, D.W. Yuan, C.X. Wang, C.H. Shu, D.Y. Li, Z.L. Shi, et al., Org. Lett. 18 (2016) 1282–1285.
22, “Rotational Spectromicroscopy: Imaging the Orbital Interaction between Molecular Hydrogen and an Adsorbed Molecule”, Shaowei Li, Dingwang Yuan, Arthur Yu, Gregory Czap, Ruqian Wu*, Wilson Ho*, Physical Review Letters, 114, 20610, 2015.
21, “The possibilities to lower the stacking fault energies of aluminum materials investigated by first-principles energy calculations”, L.H. Liu,J.H. Chen*,T.W. Fan, Z.R. Liu,Y. Zhang, Dingwang Yuan, Computational Materials Science, 108, 136-146, 2015.
20, “Fine precipitation scenarios of AlZnMg(Cu) alloys revealed by advanced atomic-resolution electron microscopy study Part I: Structure determination of the precipitates in AlZnMg(Cu) alloys”, Materials Characterization, J.Z. Liu, J.H. Chen, D.W. Yuan, C.L. Wu, J. Zhu, Z.Y. Cheng ,99 (2015),,277-286
19, “Structure and catalytic activity of bimetallic clusters AunPdm(n+m=7) on graphene by first-principles studies”, D. W. Yuan, and Z. R. Liu, Physics Letters A 378 (2014) 408-415.
18, “Double-atomic-wall-based dynamic precipitates of the early-stage S-phase in AlCuMg alloys”, S.B. Wang, J.H. Chen, M.J. Yin, Z.R. Liu, D.W. Yuan, J.Z. Liu, C.H. Liu, C.L. Wu, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 6573.
17,“First-principles study of nitrogen-doped CuAlO2”, Y, Xu, Z, M Ao, D. W. Yuan, Physics Letters A 376, 2613-2616(2012).
16, “First-principles investigations of O2 dissociation on low-coordinated Pd ensembles over stepped Au surfaces”, D. W. Yuan, Z.R. Liu, Y. Xu, Physics Letters A 376 (2012) 3432-3438.
15, “Atomic ensemble effects on formic acid oxidation on PdAu electrode studied by first-principles calculations”, D. W. Yuan and Z. R. Liu, J. Power Source, 224 (2013) 241-249.
14, “The structure and the properties of S-phase in AlCuMg alloys” Z. R. Liu, J. H. Chen, S. B. Wang, D. W. Yuan, M. J. Yin, C. L. Wu, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 7396-7405.
13, “Catalytic activity of Pd ensembles incorporated into Au nanocluster for CO oxidation: A first-principles study”, D. W. Yuan and Z. R. Liu, Physics Letters A 375, 2405(2011).
12, “Catalytic activitay of Pd ensembles over Au(111) surface for CO oxidation: A first-principles study”, D.W. Yuan, Z. R. Liu, and J. H. Chen, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 054704(2011).
11, “Peculiar distribution of Pd onAu nanocluster: First-principles studies”, D.W.Yuan, XinGao Gong, and Ruqian Wu, Phys. Rev. B 78, 035441(2008).
10 “Origin of high activity and selectivity of PdAu(001) bimetallic surfaces toward vinyl acetate synthesis”, D.W.Yuan, XinGao Gong, and Ruqian Wu, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 1539(2008).
9, “First-principles prediction of enhanced magnetic anisotropy in FeCo alloys”, Dangxin Wu, Qiming Zhang, J. Ping Liu, Dingwang Yuan, and Ruqian Wu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 052503(2008).
8, “Decomposition pathways of methanol on the PtAu(111) bimetallic surface: A first-principles study” D.W.Yuan, XinGao Gong, and Ruqian Wu, J.Chem. Phys. 128, 064706(2008).
7, “Ensemble effects on ethylene dehydrogenation on PdAu(001) surfaces investigated with first-principles calculations and nudged-elastic-band simulations”, D.W.Yuan, XinGao Gong, and Ruqian Wu, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 233401 (2007).
6, “Atomic configurations of Pd atoms in PdAu(111) bimetallic surfaces investigated using the first-principles pseudopotential plane wave approach”, D.W.Yuan, XinGao Gong, and Ruqian Wu, Phys Rev. B 75, 085428 (2007).
5, “Ab initio studies on the reaction of O2 with Ban (n=2,5) clusters”, S.F. Li, X. L. Xue, G. Chen, D. W. Yuan, Y. Jia, and X. G. Gong, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 224711 (2006).
4, “Magnetic and hyperfine properties of Fe8 molecule”, D. W. Yuan, Zhi Zeng, J Magn. Magn. Mater,301, 265(2006).
3, “Optical spectrum of a spin-split two-dimenstional electron gas”, D.W. Yuan, W. Xu, Z. Zeng, F.Lu, Phys. Rev. B 72, 033320(2005).
2, "Geometric, electronic and bonding properties of AuNM(N=1-7,M=Ni, Pd, Pt) clusters", D.W. Yuan, Yang Wang, Zhi Zeng, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 114310(2005).
1, "Saturated adsorption of CO and coadsorption of CO and O2 on AuN- (N=2-7) clusters", D.W. Yuan, Zhi Zeng, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 6574(2004).