



一、调剂条件: 1.优秀全日制本科毕业生; 2.分数能达到国家A类线;3.一志愿报考专业为相关专业(有机化学、药物化学(有机专业背景))。
三、招生简述: 课题研究方向是糖缀合物有机合成及糖苷化方法研究,招收真心喜欢有机化学的学生,务必吃苦耐劳,努力肯干,拥有梦想。老师待人真诚,在学术上严谨认真。实验中出现问题老师都会耐心帮忙解决,找方法。如果你这次考研失利了,那不要气馁,老师将会帮助你弥补遗憾!若有意向,请联系我们详谈,非诚勿扰!!!  邮件应包括以下材料:
3. 科研经历,简明扼要即可
四、招生联系人:孙建松教授 邮箱:jssun@jxnu.edu.cn
刘雷师兄电话 :13065115553  邮箱 :18356161202@163.com   QQ  :393679334
孙建松,江西师范大学特聘教授,博士生导师。主要从事复杂天然糖缀合物及新型糖苷化方法的研究。师从中科院上海有机所俞飚教授、大连化物所韩秀文教授,先后完成了四个活性天然产物的首次全合成。2006在德国洪堡奖学金的资助下赴德国Konstanz大学世界著名糖化学家R. R. Schmidt课题组进行博后研究。2007年12月到中国科学院上海有机化学研究所工作,继续从事活性天然糖缀合物及新型糖苷化方法的研究。2014年10月加盟江西师范大学国家糖工程中心。先后在JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Org. Lett,  Acc. Chem. Res.等杂志上发表论文30余篇。
六、官网主页 http://www.escience.cn/people/sunjiansong/groupmember.html
1、江西省杰出人才资助计划:(20171BCB23036), 15万元,主持;
5、国家自然科学基金面上项目:复杂核苷类抗生素 ampurimycin 及 miharamycin的合成研究(21372252) 80万,2014.1-2017.12,主持;
1.Amipurimycin, total synthesis of the proposed structures and diastereoisomersShengyang Wang, Jiansong Sun, Qingju Zhang, Xin Cao, Yachen Zhao, Gongli Tang, & Biao Yu. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.:2018 ,57 ,XXX-XXX
2.Highly Efficient Synthesis of Bioactive Oleanane-type SaponinsJing-Jing Sui, Wen-Hui Zhou, De-Yong Liu, Ming-Qing Li, Jian-Song Sun. Carbohydrate Research: 2017 ,452 ,43-46
3.o(pMethoxyphenylethynyl)phenyl Glycosides: Versatile NewGlycosylation Donors for the Highly Efficient Construction ofGlycosidic LinkagesYang Hu, Ke Yu, Li-Li Shi, Lei Liu, Jing-Jing Sui, De-Yong Liu, Bin Xiong, and Jian-Song Sun*. J. Am. Chem. Soc.: 2017,139 ,12736-12744
4.Synthetic Investigation toward the D-Ring-FunctionalizedCytotoxic Oleanane-Type Saponins Pithedulosides D and EShi-Jie Ge, Yuan-Hong Tu, Jian-Hui Xia, and Jian-Song Sun*. Eur. J. Org. Chem.: 2017 ,3929-3934
5.First Total Synthesis of the Bioactive Arylnaphthyl Lignan 4-O-Glycosides Phyllanthusmin D and 4-O-Acetylmananthoside BLei Liu, Yang Hu, Hui Liu, De-Yong Liu, Jian-Hui Xia, and Jian-Song Sun. Eur. J. Org. Chem.: 2017 ,3674-3680
6.The Catalytically Lignan-Activation-Based Approach for the Synthesis of (epi)Podophyllotoxin DerivativesJun-Hao Wan, Yang Hu, Hui Liu, Yuan-Hong Tu, Zhong-Yi He, Jian-Song Sun. J. Org. Chem.: 2017 ,82 ,5652-5662
7.Synthetic Access Toward Cycloastragenol GlycosidesTing Liu, Jin-Xi Liao, Yang Hu, Yuan-Hong Tu and Jian-Song Sun. J. Org. Chem.: 2017 ,82 ,4170-4178
8.The Antitumor Activity Study of Ginsenoside and Metabolites in Lung Cancer CellFeng-Yuan Xu, Wen-Qing Shang, Jia-Jun Yu, Qian Sun, Ming-Qing Li, Jian-Song Sun. Am. J. Transl. Res.: 2016 ,8 (4),1708-1718
9.Synthetic Investigation toward Apigenin 5-O-glycoside as well as Chemical Structure RevisionYang Hu, Yuan-Hong Tu, De-Yong Liu, Jin-Xi Liao, Jian-Song Sun. Org. Biomol. Chem.: 2016 ,14 ,4842-4847
10.A Higly Efficient Approach to Construct (epi)-podophyllotoxin 4-O-glycosidic Linkages as well as Its Application in Concise Synheses of Etoposide and TeniposideHui Liu, Jin-Xi Liao, Yuan-Hong Tu, Jian-Song Sun. Org. Lett.: 2016 ,18 ,1294-1297
11.Highly efficient synthesis of flavonol 5-O-glycosides with glycosyl ortho-alkynylbenzoates as donorsJin-Xi Liao, Nai-Li Fan, Hui Liu, Yuan-Hong Tu and Jian-Song Sun*. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry: 2016 ,14 ,1221-1225
12.The chemical synthesis of aryltetralin glycosidesJian-Song Sun,* Hui Liu, Xiao-Hong Guo and Jin-Xi Liao. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry: 2016 ,14 ,1188-1200
13.An Efficient Route to 2-Amino-β-galactosides and –glucosides via Stereoselective Michael-type Addition of 2-NitroglycalsWeihua Xue, Jiansong Sun*, Biao, Yu*. J. Org. Chem.: 2009 ,74 ,5079
14.An Efficient Approach to the Synthesis of Nucleosides, Gold(I)-Catalyzed N-Glycosylation of Pyrimidines and Purines with Glycosyl ortho-AlkynylbenzoatesQingju Zhang, Jiansong Sun*, Yugen Zhu, Fuyi Zhang, Biao Yu*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: 2011 ,50 ,4933
15.Efficient Synthesis of Lupane-type Saponins via Gold(I)-Catalyzed Glycosylation with Glycosyl ortho-Alkynylbenzoates as DonorsYan Li, Jiansong Sun*, Biao Yu*. Org. Lett.: 2011 ,13 ,5508
16.Assembly of Naturally Occurring Golycosides, Evolved Tactics, and Glycosylation MethodsBiao Yu*, Jiansong Sun, Xiaoyu Yang. Acc. Chem. Res.: 2012 ,45 ,1227-1236
17.Construction of Interglycosidic N-O Lingkage via Direct Glycosylation of Sugar OximesJun Yu, Jiansong Sun*, Biao Yu*. Org. Lett.: 2012 ,14 ,4022-4025
18.Synthetic access toward the diverse ginsenosidesJun Yu, Jiansong Sun*,Yiming Niu, Rongyao Li, Jinxi Liao, Fuyi Zhang, Biao Yu*. Chem. Sci.: 2013 ,4 ,3899-3905
19.  Jun Yu, Jiansong Sun*,Yiming Niu, Rongyao Li, Jinxi Liao, Fuyi Zhang, Biao Yu* Synthetic access toward the diverse ginsenosides, Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 3899-3905.
20.  Jun Yu, Jiansong Sun*, Biao Yu* Construction of Interglycosidic N-O Lingkage via Direct Glycosylation of Sugar Oximes. Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 4022-4025.
21.   Biao Yu*, Jiansong Sun, Xiaoyu Yang Assembly of Naturally Occurring Golycosides, Evolved Tactics, and Glycosylation Methods. Acc. Chem. Res. 2012, 45, 1227-1236.
22.  Yan Li, Jiansong Sun*, Biao Yu* Efficient Synthesis of Lupane-type Saponins via Gold(I)-Catalyzed Glycosylation with Glycosyl ortho-Alkynylbenzoates as Donors.
Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 5508.
23.  Qingju Zhang, Jiansong Sun*, Yugen Zhu, Fuyi Zhang, Biao Yu*. An Efficient Approach to the Synthesis of Nucleosides, Gold(I)-Catalyzed N-Glycosylation of Pyrimidines and Purines with Glycosyl ortho-Alkynylbenzoates. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 4933.
24.  Weihua Xue, Jiansong Sun*, Biao, Yu*. An Efficient Route to 2-Amino-β-galactosides and –glucosides via Stereoselective Michael-type Addition of 2-Nitroglycals. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 5079.
25.  Jiansong Sun, Xiuwen Han, Biao Yu*. First Total Synthesis of Anemoclemoside B. Org. Lett.. 2005, 7, 1935,

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