


















Exposure to Brefeldin A promotes initiation of meiosis in murine female germ cells 2014 1 Reproduction, Fertility and Developmen SCI

Notch pathway regulates female germ cell meiosis progression and early oogenesis events in fetal mouse 2014 1 Cell Cycle SCI

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and bisphenol A exposure impairs newborn mouse primordial follicle assembly in vitro 2014 1 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis SCI

Ovarian cell-like cells from skin stem cells restored estradiol production and estrus cycling in ovariectomized mice 2014 7 Stem Cells Dev SCI

Reconstitution of gametogenesis in vitro: meiosis is the biggest obstacle 2014 4 Journal of Genetics and Genomics, SCI

Transgenerational inheritance of ovarian development deficiency induced by maternal diethylhexyl phthalate exposure 2014 1 Reproduction, Fertility and Development SCI

Insulin regulates primordial follicle assembly in vitro by affecting germ cell apoptosis and elevating estrogen 2014 1 Reproduction, Fertility and Development SCI

Diethylhexyl phthalate exposure impairs follicular development and affects oocyte maturation in the mouse 2013 1 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis SCI

Deleted in Azoospermia-Like (DAZL) enhances in vitro-derived porcine germ cell formation and meiosis 2013 2 Stem Cells Dev SCI

Recovery of functional oocytes from cultured premeiotic germ cells after kidney capsule transplantation 2013 1 Stem Cells Dev SCI

Bisphenol A exposure modifies methylation of imprinted genes in mouse oocytes via the estrogen receptor signaling pathway 2012 1 Histochemistry and Cell Biology SCI

Fetal exposure to bisphenol A affects the primordial follicle formation by inhibiting the meiotic progression of oocyte 2012 1 Molcular Biology Report SCI

Midkine promotes proliferation of primordial germ cell by inhibiting the expression of the deleted in azoospermia-like gene 2012 1 Endocrionology SCI

A co-culture system with preantral follicular granulosa cells in vitro induces meiotic maturation of immature oocytes 2011 1 Histochemistry and Cell Biology SCI

Analysis of oocyte-like cells differentiated from porcine fetal skin-derived stem cell 2011 1 Stem Cell and Development, SCI

DNA methylation of germ cell-specific basic helix-loop-helix (HLH) of transcription factors, Sohlh2 and Figα, during germ cell development 2011 1 Mol Hum Reprod SCI

Murine folliculogenesis in vitro is stage-specifically regulated by insulin via the Akt signaling pathway 2010 1 Histochemistry and Cell Biology SCI

Effect of insulin on oogenesis from mouse fetal germ cells in a serum-free 3D culture system 2010 1 Reprod BioMed Online SCI

Maternal imprinting during mouse oocyte growth in vivo and in vitro 2009 1 Biochem Biophys Res Commun SCI

Pre-meiotic fetal mouse germ cells form typical oocyte-like cells but do not progress through meiosis in vitro 2009 1 Theriogenology SCI

Mature oocytes derived from purified mouse fetal germ cells 2008 5 Human Reproduction SCI

In vitro development of mouse fetal germ cells into mature oocytes 2007 1 Reproduction SCI

Targeting the exogenous htPAm gene on goat somatic cell beta- casein locus for transgenic goat production 2007 1 Molecular Reproduction and Development SCI

Serial nuclear transfer improves the developmental potential of mouse embryos cloned from oocytes matured in a protein-free medium 2007 5 Molecular Reproduction and Development SCI

Mouse oocytes derived from fetal germ cells are competent to support the development of embryos by in vitro fertilization 2006 1 Molecular Reproduction and Development SCI

Efficient and simple production of transgenic mice and rabbits using the new DMSO-sperm mediated exogenous DNA transfer method 2006 1 Molecular Reproduction and Development SCI

Human lactoferrin transgenic rabbits produced efficiently using DMSO-sperm mediated gene transfer. 2006 1 Reproduction, Fertility and Development SCI

Living offspring produced by mouse oocytes derived from premeiotic fetal germ cells 2006 1 Biology of Reproduction SCI

沈伟,博士,教授。1975年生,山东滕州市人。教育部新世纪优秀人才,山东省自然科学杰出青年基金获得者,动物生殖与种质创新山东省高校重点实验室负责人和首席专家,山东省“动物遗传育种与繁殖”重点学科学术带头人,山东省优秀研究生导师、青岛市优秀教师,生殖生物学会理事,动物遗传标记学会理事,美国生殖生物学学会正式会员。Gene、PlosONE、Stem Cell Epigenetics等刊物编委,Development等30余种国际杂志审稿人。研究方向为生殖细胞发生与生殖干细胞,主要围绕与动物繁殖潜能开发、人类生殖健康等相关问题,进行生殖干细胞和原始生殖细胞(PGC)的增殖与分化、卵母细胞发生的细胞互作与分子调节机制、动物生物技术育种等方面的研究。



带领的研究组建立了从减数分裂前的雌性生殖细胞向卵母细胞体外发生、发育的培养体系,使卵原细胞在体外顺利完成了减数分裂的启动,并成熟、受精后获得发育的囊胚;利用该体系系统研究了卵母细胞发生的分子调节机制,以及印迹基因DNA甲基化建立和擦除的影响机制。建立了原始卵泡体外形成与发育的模型,并获得了体外受精的囊胚;利用该模型,系统研究了卵泡形成与募集过程中PI3K/Akt信号通路的调节机制。近5年来,沈伟教授研究组在《Endocrinology》、《Cell Cycle》、《Stem Cell Dev》、《Histochem Cell Biol》、《Biol Reprod》、《Mol Hum Reprod》、《Reproduction》、《Biochem Biophys Res Commun》、《Reprod BioMed Online》、《Mol Reprod Dev》、《Reprod Fertil Dev》和《Theriogenology》等刊物上发表研究论文50余篇。已培养研究生22人,皆发表了SCI收录论文,有研究生第一作者发表的论文累积影响因子达9.454,半数以上的研究生到了国内外重点大学和研究机构进行继续深造。目前在读硕士研究生11人、博士研究生4人。

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