学校: 辽宁石化
专业: 理学->化学->分析化学
年级: 2019
招生人数: 5
招生状态: 正在招生中
1. Kenneth Squire, Xianming Kong*, Paul LeDuff, Gregory L. Rorrer, and Alan X. Wang*. Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence immunoassay on diatom biosilica. Journal of Biophotonics, 2018. (doi.org/10.1002/jbio.201800009)
2. Qian Yu. Xianming Kong*. Yibo Ma. Rui Wang. Qing Liu. Juan P. Hinestroza. Alan X. Wang. Tapani Vuorinen. Multi-functional regenerated cellulose fibers decorated with plasmonic Au nanoparticles for colorimetry and SERS assays. Cellulose (2018) 25:6041–6053.
3. Xianming Kong, Xinyuan Chong, Kenny Squire, Alan X. Wang. Microfluidic diatomite analytical devices for illicit drug sensing withppb-Level sensitivity. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2018,259, 587-595.
4. Xianming Kong, Qian Yu, Erwen Li, Rui Wang, Qing Liu and Alan X. Wang. Diatomite Photonic Crystals for Facile On-Chip Chromatography and Sensing of Harmful Ingredients from Food. Materials, 2018, 11, 539
5. Xianming Kong, Xiyuan Chong, Kenny Squire, Alan X. Wang. Ultra-sensitive lab-on-a-chip detection of Sudan I in food using plasmonics-enhanced diatomaceous thin film. Food control. 2017, 79, 258-265.
6. Xianming Kong, Erwen Li, Kenny Squire, Ye Liu, Bo Wu, Li-Jing Cheng, Alan X. Wang. Plasmonic Nanoparticles-Decorated Diatomite Biosilica: Extending the Horizon of On-chip Chromatography and Label-Free Biosensing. Journal of Biophotonics . 2017,10, 1473-1484
7. Xianming Kong, Yuting Xi, Paul Le Duff, Xinyuan Chong, Fanghui Ren, Gregory L. Rorrer, Alan X. Wang. Detecting explosive molecules from nanoliter solution: a new paradigm of SERS sensing on hydrophilic photonic crystal biosilica. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017. 88, 63-70.
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